About Native Environmental, LLC Phoenix, Arizona 602-254-0122
Native operates on the premise that the solution to responsible environmental contracting and management requires more than a “cookie cutter” approach as it pertains to the handling and management of projects. Native approaches each project on an individual basis. While experience and knowledge from a previous project may prove helpful, each individual project must be assessed properly from conception and design through remediation and final disposition of generated waste streams to be successful.
This approach allows Native Environmental Project Managers the freedom to customize solutions offered to our clients for their abatement, remediation, waste management and disposal needs. Based on this premise, Native has matured into a full service organization that is capable of analyzing problems, developing solutions shaped by the needs of our clients, and implementing those solutions.
Native’s reputation of putting the client first in all phases of our operations; as well as, understanding the importance of providing our clients with value-added services, results in a client-contractor relationship that will elicit trust as the relationship grows.

Native Environmental pledges to be responsive to its clients, and to perform those functions necessary to provide unparalleled service for the duration of the project specified in the scope of work and for the safe and proper management of wastes generated during the project.